Respuesta :
Security of the computer systems is becoming more crucial as the days go by due to events that threatens the safety and security of these computers, the internet and the resources shared on them.Security professionals are those people who have the necessary skill set to handle the security situation of the computers and network and can both maintains these systems and resolve any security issue.
In light of the skill sets that they posses, they work for firms or they work on their own to maintain security. In general every skill needs to be revised and these skill is not an exception also there are newer threats and security issues which are arising every day hence there is need to maintain competence in their field which requires undergoing training and practice to handle the latest security threats that is constantly evolving each day.Due to the issue of budget constrains the security professionals can take the following actions in order to be able to participate in training:
- Involve themselves in taking online courses over the internet
- They can acquire self education materials , researches and case studies on both recent and past security events
- They also engage in peer guidance and mentoring which would work in a vise versa way for information and knowledge exchange
- participating in "hackathons" and competitions as a way for them to identify the features and skill set to improve
The question requires explanation so instead of answering the question by stating the points we first give a brief description of the state of digital security in the world.Next we now talk about the security professionals ( who they are and what they do). Finally we then discuss about the need for training for these professionals and how these security professionals can access these training in a situation where there is a budget constrain issue