John Calvin was a French scholar, a Pastor, and Reformer in Geneva during the Protestant Reformation. He was a Principal figure in making the example of Christian religious philosophy later considered Calvinism a region that incorporates the regulation of fate and the supreme sway of God in the salvation of the human spirit from death and interminable condemnation.
Ulrich Zwingli was a Swiss Reformer, who lectured about the thoughts on the change of the Catholic church. He assaulted the custom of fasting during Lent. He additionally noticed the debasement in the religious chain of importance, advanced administrative marriage and assaulted the utilization of images in places of worship.
The main differences are in their core beliefs, John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli and Martin Luther were reformers who stood against the teachings of the Catholic Church. while John Calvin believed in the Doctrine of Predestination, Luther preached Justification by Faith alone.