As Mr.Edmund Burke was an American revolutionist he defended the revolution in United States. The type of mentality that he had about the revolution inside the United States was way different then it was in the french revolution by the french leaders.
The Heart of the Matter:
As analyses of the french revolution is very much valid,as there were no clear signs to end violence, corruption in the system, or putting a full stop to the everlasting war going on among the departments of the system. The analysts accuse the french leader of never prioritizing there national interest. But, most of people were corrupt and there was no strong system to defend its people but ruins of the so called government was left. As people were murdered and the crime rate was on peak due to weak institutions inside the State system.
While, the revolution inside the US was much different people were provided there basic rights and they had a protection been provided by the system.Unlike in the french revolution where people did left a scratch of the state treasury and destroyed the whole system. It was all due to the corrupt system and weak politics in France in that time which then ended soon.