Two workers have the job of placing plastic labels on packages before the packages are shipped out. The first worker can place 1000 labels in 30 minutes. The second worker can place 850 labels in 20 minutes. Which worker is more productive?

Respuesta :


The correct answer is: The second worker.


Productivity is an economic term describing the relationship between outputs as compared to inputs needed to produce those outputs. It is a measure of efficiency. Typically inputs are raw materials, labor, and capital assets. Outputs are generally expressed as either revenue or total units of finished goods.

In the example, a form to measure each worker's productivity is comparing how many plastic labels they can place per hour. Thus:

  • Worker 1: 1000 per 1/2 hour (30 minutes)
  • Worker 1: 2000 per 1 hour  

  • Worker 2: 850 per 1/3 hour (20 minutes)
  • Worker 2: 2550 per 1 hour

Then, the second worker is more productive.