1.What two significant historical occurrences advanced the development of music in the nineteenth century? Explain how each had an impact on music and society.
2.Listen to Schubert's Erlkonig (CD 3: Tr. 1-8); however, try not to follow the translation. If you were unaware of the meaning of the lyrics, would this song convey a meaning or evoke any images to you? What are those images?
3.Listen to the Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique excerpt with the listening guide on pages 233-234 (CD 3/Tracks 17-22). What are some of the elements and techniques Berlioz uses to paint the musical picture he portrays in this excerpt?
4.What was Nationalism in music during the nineteenth century? List at least four Nationalist composers and a piece they were known for composing.
5.Music of the Romantic period had a great deal of realism - literal representations of people, places, and events in the various musical expressions. Impressionism utilizes the concept of a musical piece representing people, places, or events, but in a very different way than Romanticism. How does the "representation" of people, places, or events differ in Romantic music and Impressionist music?
6.Listen to Schoenberg: Pierrot lunaire (CD 4: Tr. 6-7). Was sprechstimme utilized in this piece? Explain what spechstimme is, how it was utilized in the early twentieth century, and how it might be still utilized in modern music.