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To be a good leader one must posses certain qualities. One quality a leader has is to be influential, this will make people want to be like this person and will join whichever cause this leader has created. Another quality that is called for one to have a leadership personality is resilience, because there will be many difficult situation that these people will have to endure when they support an idea, especially from people who disagree. Lastly, is integrity, which is important because it sets a good example for followers and encourages them to agree with your ideas. However, I believe leaders are not born, but created, because people can obtain certain qualities throughout life that make them unlikely to become a leader or to become a leader (based on how they’re influenced). In the past, most great leaders have been men, because women haven’t always had the same opportunities as men. A leader I admire Martin Luther King Jr., because he wasn’t afraid to state his ideas and dreams even though he knew there would be of disagreements and he would have to get through tough situations. A manager and leader are very different in many ways, an example would be the fact that leaders have people that follow and agree with their ideas, while managers only have people working for them.