Necessary and Proper Clause
The congress of the United States of America chartered the Second Bank of the United States and there were opinions around the constitutionality of the process that happened in 1816. The bank operated nicely with the state banks and they issued different bank notes that people rightly used as legal tenders.
When the state bank in Maryland collapsed due to economic downturn, they pointed accusing fingers on the second bank of the United States (BUS) to be the institution responsible for their troubles. The state imposes huge tax on any bank that is not chartered in the state. At a time, the Baltimore’s branch of BUS refused to comply with the payment of taxes and they were sued.
In the ruling process, information from The Necessary and Proper Clause, found in Article I, Section 8 of the constitution was interpreted that affirms the constitutionality of the BUS bank and the lack of powers by the state of Maryland to tax the bank.