Respuesta :
- The Natives in the South America:
For many centuries, before the colonization took place and the British people invaded the American region, tribal system existed in and still there are some tribes in the South. As they have some culture values and are bounded to a specific set of rules. While before one and half century before, during the colonization period there were a number of people migrated from various regions and some how challenged the core values of the tribal system. As they wanted them to adjust with some new people who were naive to there land and culture. But, it was not so easy for any one, as there were clans who did not wanted there lands and resources to be shared with any alien person. And that led to a series of wars, and still there is some tensions regarding such issue which is to a less extent or level but it is still ongoing inside the US.
Lands and Food resources:
During the colonization period there were clans(There are about 800 tribes in the South) who were not willing to share any of there lands and food resources with some one from Africa or any European region. As they people who brought slaves from the African regions and had ideas for industrialization, also had weaponry along with ideas and slaves. Which turned them into soldiers and invaded tribal territories and a series of wars started in the US.
Political Influence:
- The system of governance before the establishment of a democratic government in the America was much different, as there were tribes who had different territories and covered vast lands to rule. About, 800 tribes were present in the US, and each of them was led differently. Due, to this system there were difficulties in living life freely for the common folk. So,it was sort of conservative set of mind who lived in the South(w.r.t to all races). So, the European and most the common Folk wanted a single and reliable governance system inside the US, which then turned to be another issue for the tribal system.
- As the democratic form of governance will eventually challenge the tribal system and will limit there influence in the common folk, which made them to declare war against most of the foreigners and Americans.
- After the 1700's there was a campaign led by well known people in the US, to make a unique and specific set of rules to appoint a leader or chief executive in the US which was George Washington. But, all of this was after the a series of war with the tribal system in the South America. As the Frame Work was established and still the system runs accordingly to those set of rules.
Goals of the tribal system from generation:
As there is no such specific development in any of the tribal system, as it is more conservative and there goals remain the same from generations to generation, but as an external force which holds more power is present it will eventually make them to agree on some terms and limit there influence in public relations.
- Before, a century ago there were differences relating the lands and resources as they were less developed, so they made wars regarding food, cattle and lands.
- In the 1800's there were issues between the US government and the tribes, as they were forced to vacate some areas in the States, which led to conflicts, after which the tribal system demanded there lands and territories to be well respected.
- As in the early years there were issues with the tribal folk regarding the basic rights, and for that many campaigns were run to provide them with there basic rights.
- Now a days it is much changed as they demand their identity and culture to be well respected, as well as they respect others all around the globe. All the people are now treated equally by the democratic form of system or government.