Respuesta :
The output of the code is
This porridge is too hot!
This porridge is just right
First, I'll need to arrange the code properly
int temp;
temp = 180;
while ( temp != 80 ) {
if ( temp > 90 ) {
Console.Write( "This porridge is too hot! " ); // cool down
temp = temp – ( temp > 150 ? 100 : 20 ); } // end if
else {
if ( temp < 70 ) {
Console.Write( "This porridge is too cold! "); // warm up
temp = temp + (temp < 50 ? 30 : 20);
} // end if
} // end else
} // end while
if ( temp == 80 )
Console.WriteLine( "This porridge is just right!" );
At line 2, the value of temp is 180
At line 3, an iterative statement is used to test if temp is not Equal to 80.
The statement is true so the code within the iteration is performed
At line 4, the values of temp is tested again
Is temp greater than 70?
At this point, the compiler prints "This porridge is too hot! " , Without the quotes
The next line performs arithmetic and assignment operation on temp
First, is temp greater than 150?
So, the arithmetic operations becomes
temp = 180 - 100 which gives 80
All other statements within the while iteration are then ignored
The compiler then test for the second time if temp is still not equal to 80.
Note that at this point, temp = 80
So, the test is false
All statements within the while iteration will then be ignored.
Program execution then moves to line 14.
Is temp = 80?
The compiler prints "This porridge is just right!" without the quotes.
Answer and Explanation:
The output by the following C# code segment is (b): This porridge is too hot! This porridge is just right!
Explanation: first of all in this program declare a temp variable and assign a value 180 after that condition in the while-loop statement and if statement under while-loop will
check first time it will true and console report showing result (This porridge is too hot!) and change the temp value from next line now temp value is set to 80 now first iteration of loop is completed and in next iteration, while loop condition is check now its condition is false so skip the loop and go to if state where check temp = 80 and print console value (This porridge is just right!)