The necessary criterion to validate the PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) is criterion A, (one required): the person was exposed to: death, threatened death, actual or threatened serious injury, or actual or threatened sexual violence,one symptom (or more): inability to remember an important aspect of the event, from criterion B, one symptom (or more): wars survivors, persistent and exaggerated negative beliefs about oneself, others, or the world, and persistent negative emotional criterion C: old age abused; persistent distorted cognitions about the cause or consequences of the event.
DSM-5 PTSD diagnosis measures, assesses, or evaluates dissociative subtypes, which causes disconnection from the surrounding world or from oneself.
The DSM-5 manual, for the PTSD diagnosis, includes the DSM-IV/ICD-9 309.81 to the ICD-10 F43.10.
An experienced mental health provider, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist, is generally in charge of the diagnosis.
To be diagnosed with PTSD, an adult must have at least one avoidance symptom re-experiencing symptom for at least 1 month.