FedEx offers its customers fast and reliable package delivery. When FedEx customers weigh these benefits against the monetary cost of using FedEx along with other costs of using the service, they are acting upon___________.

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They are acting upon perceived customer value.


In the field of marketing, perceived customer value can be defined as the clients' assessment of the cost of the product and services weighed against its capacity to live up to their needs and desires, particularly in comparison with it's peers. Marketing experts always attempt to impact customers' apparent perception of an item by depicting the qualities that make it better than the competition. In this way, the marketers alter the customers perceived value.

Perceived customer value usually involves the monetary cost of the product or services. It all comes down to how the customer views the price of that particular product or service weighed against the benefits. In simpler terms, the customer is always deciding if purchasing the product is worthwhile. When the customers feel that the cost doesn't march the benefits, then there are higher chances of the customers not purchasing  the product or service, especially if the competition offers a lower cost.

In the case of FedEx customers, they are trying to weigh the benefits against the monetary cost of using the reliable package delivery service. In this way, they are acting upon perceived customer value.