The musical staff is a collection of musical notes and notations. It contains the notes A, B, C, D, E, F, and G along with Time Signature (shows you how many beats in a measure over the not that gets one beat i.e. 4/4 thereâs four beats in a measure and a quarter note gets 1 beat) and key signature (sharps and flats. Remember the sharp order by âFluffy Cats Go Down Alleys Eating Burritosâ and the flat order by âBEAD Greatest Common Factorâ because your sharps and flats HAVE to go in a certain order). Below the staff you can find dynamics (PPP, PP, P, MP, MF, F, FF, FFF... and so on so fourth) and dynamic markings (crescendos, decrescendos etc). Above the staffs there are trill markings, note rhythm markings (staccatos, legatos, accents, marccatos). The top staff is the treble. The treble clef (or G staff) is the higher of the two and the range is from notes E to F (not including ledger lines which âlengthenâ the range of a staff). The staffs are connected by Middle C, which youâre familiar with if you play the piano. The bottom staff is the Bass Clef (or F staff). It is the lowest of the two and the range is from G to A.