What five nations supply most of the world’s nonrenew- able mineral resources? How dependent is the United States on other countries for important nonrenewable mineral resources, including strategic metals? Define depletion time and describe three types of depletion curves for a mineral resource.

Respuesta :


United States, Canada, Russia, South Africa, and Australia supply most of the world renewable resources.


  • The US imports the supplies of 20 key nonrenewable mineral resources. Most imports come from politically stable countries about 4 strategic metal resources as the manganese, the cobalt, chromium, and the platinum, which are essential for the country's economy and military strength.
  • The definition of the finishing time is the time that it takes for the use of certain parts that is 80% of the reserves of a mineral at a given rate. The common type of curves are  
  • 1. mine, use, and the rising prices  
  • 2. recycle and the higher prices.
  • 3. recycle, reuse and reduce the consumption by the increase reserves.