Respuesta :
The White Russians were the fighters of counterrevolutionary forces that tried to topple the new Bolshevik government installed in 1917, they fought the Red Army until 1921. Communism is the new political, economic and social system leader Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks wanted to impose on Russia after taking power. The proletariat is the class of urban workers, the main revolutionary class of capitalism that was called to overthrow it and to take power in order to build socialism and communism, according to Marxist theory.
Answer: White Russians .....that part of Russian society that did not accept Communist (or Bolshevik, if you will) revolution (autumn 1917) and led war against it until 1922. Proletariat ....general term meaning the lowest and poorest strata in society (in Russia, Bolsheviks considered themselves representant of that part of society). Communism ....ideology formulated by Karl Marx that contained signficant prophetic aspect (according to Marx, there is a historical law according to which all societies are heading towards "communist revolution" which is going to introduce "classless society"). In Russian revolution was viewed as a epoch-changing event, fulfillment of Marx´s "scientific prophecy".
Explanation: important to say that in 1917 there were two revolutions ....first in February (so-called "bourgeois revolution" that introduced democratic social order) and that in November ("Bolshevik Revolution"). All what was written above has to do with Bolshevik Revolution.