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Food waste is a worldwide problem in the modern world. 30 to 33 percent of food created for human consumption is wasted every year, which rounds at about 1,3 billion tons. In the industrialized countries just at the post-harvest and processing level, this number reaches up to 40%.

While this much food is wasted every year, there is still a big problem with global hunger. This proves the error of worldwide food distribution management, and food waste is a part of it.

The United Nations made up Sustainable Development Goal for this reason. The goal in question is the reduction of food losses by 2030, in the production as well as consumption.  

Hungary is no exception when it comes to this problem and they have already taken some measurements to reduce food waste. The biggest governmental and general measurements are taken so far are the following:

  • Food Chain Safety Strategy is concerned with general food activities. It is a strategy to raise awareness and responsibility for food production, trade, and consumption. It should include media, politics, educational and scientific organizations. This system is also concerned with preserving food quality and risks.
  • National Waste Management Plan is concerned with composting and energy utilization, as well as with green products in an effort of more sustainable production and consumption. One of the goals is the elimination of waste, which includes using food for charitable purposes when it reaches the expiration point.
  • Market-based instruments introduced by the Hungarian government are corporate tax benefits for the donations and the exclusions of the taxes when it comes to donations.
  • To fight diseases such as swine flu, the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture has prohibited feeding animals with food waste.
  • The specific act on waste involves directing the definition of bio-waste as biodegradable garden and park waste, food and kitchen waste and compatible waste from food processing plants. Food that is considered to be the waste should be treated in an environmentally compatible way, and the storing, transport and safe disposal are paid by the waste producer. This way, people are encouraged to waste less food.