
Scholars have suggested several ways of better controlling organized crime than were discussed in the unit. If you were given the task of controlling organized crime, what would you choose to do (you can discuss some of the ideas from scholars or your own ideas)? Why do you think this would reduce organized crime?

Respuesta :

Well I would give more training to Federal Officials such as officers.


Here's a sample response.

Since crime is usually committed by a younger range of people, it makes sense to create more and better opportunities for young people. This will come with access to these opportunities since that is an enormous part of the issue. Doing this would make it difficult for organized crime groups to recruit new people. Most young people lash out and turn to crime because they experience issues with reaching their goals. For example, if one wants to get a well paying job but doesn’t have enough money to pay for a car and gas, they may take the opportunity to join a gang for quick money.