It is sometimes said that Kant's philosophy represents a sort of synthesis or reconciliation of "empiricism" and "rationalism."
How accurate do you think this way of characterizing Kant is?
Be sure to display your knowledge of Kant's philosophy.

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This statement about Kant´s theory is accurate. He did not contradict empiricism nor rationalism. He invented a theory that stated that knowledge is built both by empiricism (perceptions of reality) and also rationalism (critical way of thinking and processing information).


One can say that Kant´s theory of knowledge brought into a synthesis both empiricism and rationalism. He argued that knowledge starsts with perceptions of the world, but it does not end with the simply impressions of reality. Even though it is necessary, humans  mind need to approach what they percieve with their thinking. Therefor rationalism is needed to built and organize knowledge, so it can be understood.

He critizes that pure ratioanlism is the way of building knowledge, it does requires percepcions. But it also states that for instance notions as time and space are most neccesary to understan the world. In order to process the information the analityc and syntetic thinking are needed, as well as priori and a posterior judgments.