Respuesta :


Social Issues and Voting Behavior


The imagined ideal citizen in a democracy is informed about the issues of the day, which follows the positions that candidates take on those issues.  Political parties do not take into consideration the social issues and as such make the citizens not to believe in them.

Most of the voters lacked the minimal level of knowledge about political issues which is why they find it difficult to choose the right party or candidate



Position issues


Swing issues trigger change in support by the voters over time. These issues are important to political parties and they pay attention to them.  

Political parties also look at Polarization issues that cause opposition between the ruling party and the party-in-opposition

Valence issues such as corruption, care of the elderly and crime are either evenly loved or disliked by the voters. If at any time a political party gets involved in corruption issues, they may become very unpopular and so they have to pay attention to those issues that could make them not liked by the people.  

Parties pay less attention on issues in which the general public are divided (unlike in the case of Valence issues) and opposition candidates accept varying policy positions on them