
In some instances, you can compensate for a physical condition by demonstrating safe driving ability during a driving test.

Respuesta :


Its possible to do some practice tests to see if a person is not drunk while driving. You can also look at her/his pysical conditions to see if he/she is not drunk.


Some practice tests:  

  • Take the "nose test". Close your eyes and extend your arm forward with your index finger pointed. Then bend your elbow and bring your finger closer to your nose. Try to touch his tip without looking. You may be drunk if you don't get the target;
  • Take the walk and turn test. Stand up and take nine straight steps. Finishing, rotate the body from one foot and repeat the process until you return to the starting point. You may be drunk if you cannot align your steps, have to use your arms to balance, stumble, or fall;
  • Try to stand on one leg. Stand and lift one leg 5 inches off the floor while counting out loud for 30 seconds. You may be drunk if you are unable to balance, have to support your foot, jump, or use your arms.

Some physical conditions:

  • Stand up and walk for a while to see if you are unstable. Take a few steps and see if you stumble or can walk with balance. You may be drunk if you become disoriented, unable to make a straight path or feel that your surroundings are moving.
  • See if you can focus on a task or conversation. Alcohol affects concentration so it is very difficult to focus on specific things. Try telling a story to a friend or reading a text on your phone. If you ramble or forget what you are saying, then you are certainly drunk.