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Answer and Explanation:

"Young Goodman Brown" is a short story by author Nathaniel Hawthorne, the same author who wrote "The Scarlet Letter". Published in 1835, the story takes place in Salem during the witch hunt.

Goodman Brown is a young man who believes in God and Heaven, and who looks up to several members of his community as role models. For some unknown reason, he is following the devil into the woods for an initiation ceremony. He tries to resist, thinking of his pious father and grandfather, only to be told by the devil that they too were corrupt.

While walking further into the woods, Brown sees a respectable dame who taught him catechism. He is astonished to find out she is actually a witch (1). Soon afterwards, he sees the minister and the deacon (2) riding their horses by, going to the very ceremony with the devil. Still stunned, Brown arrives at the ceremony to see the whole town there, including his own wife (3). They have all given their souls away to the devil. Brown loses his faith in humanity, living as a bitter man till his death comes.