The Point writer cites Kathryn Hughes as a source to support her view. Summarize Hughes’s view of the value of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. How does what Hughes says help support the claim made in the Point essay? Support your answer with textual evidence and inferences.

Respuesta :

The boy in "The boy in the striped pajamas" is a boy of the war time in Germany who only knows how to love and care for his friend. He is not bothered about the wire and the boundaries that separate him from his friend.


The boy named Bruno is an eight year old boy who lived in Germany during the time of war. Because of shifting of his family near the concentration camp, he got very lonely and sad. But then he found himself a friend whose name was Shmuel.

But there was one problem with his friend. He lived on the other side of the barbed wire fence. But this boundary did not create any problem for their friendship.

even though they were separated because of the wire, they still loved each other and their friendship grew stronger and deeper. The bond of friendship was not affected by any boundaries. Bruno only knew how to love his friend.