Batting Averages Your batting average is 0.244, and you have been at bat 82 times. How many hits do you have?

Respuesta :

Answer:  20


Short Explanation:

Multiply the two numbers to get 0.244*82 = 20.008 which rounds to 20

This is the expected or estimated number of hits.


Longer Explanation:

The reason why this works is based on how the batting average formula is set up. Ignoring things like singles, doubles, triples, homeruns, and just focusing on hits, we have

batting average = (number of hits)/(number of at bats)

the term "at bat" in baseball means "attempts"

So if you hit 10 times out of 20 attempts, then your batting average is 10/20 = 0.500 which means you hit half the time

For something like 0.244, this means 244/1000 and you hit 244 times out of 1000 attempts.

When we multiply the batting average with the number of at bats, then the "at bat" units will cancel leaving us with just the number of hits.

The diagram below shows how the units cancel.

From here we just multiply (244/1000) with 82 and you'll end up with 20.008 as before.

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