Edward VI was the son of Henry VIII who is known to bring about changes in the church of England. He became a king at the age of nine. His half sister is Mary I who is a strong follower of Catholicism.
Edward VI brought about many changes in the outward look of the churches. The huge bright decoration seen in catholic churches were removed and basic furniture were laid in the church. Edward's father and his council of ministers devised a plan which mostly prevented the country to embrace Catholicism. He was known to create protestant reforms in England. Priests were allowed to marry. They need not wear a bright clothing unlike the bishops in catholic churches. King was deemed to be the head of the church.
Mary I brought Catholicism to England and not were delighted about it. Many died in protests. She ordered to execute people who refused to embrace Catholicism. Priests were forbidden to marry and they had to relinquish their families. Many protestants went on exile in search of religious freedom. She became cruel while ordering killing of people that many associated her name most often with the phrase 'Bloody Mary'. She found her cousin sister to be the threat to her throne and finally had her killed.