Respuesta :
Dance - It is a physical representation of music;
Capoeira - Brazillian martial art mixed with dance style;
Oral tradition - When a tradition is transmitted by oral communication;
Roda - a term from capoeira that means "the ring".
Ginga - a term from capoeira for the swaying motion;
Bateria - musical group in the capoeira who dictates rhythm (a band);
Berimbau - a musical instrument (chordophone) of capoeira of Brazilian origin;
Mana - A Polynesian word for the concept of power;
Mele hula - A Hawaiian dance music;
Mele oli - A Hawaiian chant music;
Kahiko - A Hawaiian "Old style" dance music/chant.
'Auana - A Hawaiian "New style" of hula music;
Bhangra - A kind of dance tradition that comes from the Punjab region (India and Pakistan);
Ritual - It's a ceremonial act;
Rite - It's usually a religious ceremony or act;
Spiritual-ness - Internal understanding of sense of peace and purpose;
Religious-ness - An organized belief systems taught among a community;
Liminal space - Phase of a rite of passage/transitional period;
Gospel - Christian Music related to spirituals;
Spirituals - A type of musical expression of American South Christians;
Call-and-response - When, in a music, the singer "calls" with a chorus responding;
Islam - An abrahamic religion. Its holy scripture is the Koran;
Mevlevi order- An order within Islam that practice the Sema ceremony;
Sema (Whirling Dervishes) - Ceremonial rite in the Mevlevi order;
Gender - Interrelationship between physical body, internal identity, and outward expression of a person;
Hijra - A third gender in Indian continent;
Two-spirit - Was an Ojibwe term that is now a blanket term for LGBTQ+ Native Americans;
Mahū - Word used in Hawaiian society for a Gender between male and female;
Drag - A cross-dressed performance of a gendered character;
Kabuki - A Japanese form of theatrefrom the 1600s that often uses drag performers;
Onnagata - "Women's form" role in Kabuki (traditionally performed by men);
Drag queen/king - When men portray women (queen), women portray men (king) in drag form.
Faux queen/king - When men portray men (king), women portray women (queen).