Respuesta :


people in oases where they could farm

-settlements, ones in oases along trading routes, had became towns

-most people in Arabia lived in towns

-craftspeople and merchants lived and worked with people in the caravan trade

caravan: a group of traders that travel together.


live in tents and raised herds of sheep, camels, and goats

-animals provided meat, milk, and skins for nomads' tents

-traveled with herds across the desert and moved along regular routes as seasons changed to get water and food fro their animals

-depended on camels for transportation and milk

-camels and tents belonged to individuals

-water as well as grazing land belonged to tribes

-membership in a tribe was important to them

tribe: a group of related people

-tribe offered protection from desert dangers (violence that took place when people competed fro grazing land and water)