The Mediterranean Sea has very little sediment churned up and suspended in its waters, mainly because of the absence of any substantial ocean tides. Why do you suppose the Mediterranean Sea has practically no tides? Similarly, are there
tides in the Black Sea? In the Great Salt Lake? Your county reservoir? A glass of water? Explain.

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Because of its relatively small size, different parts of the Mediterranean Sea are essentially equidistant from the Moon and Sun. So one part is not pulled with any appreciably different than any other part. This results in extremely tiny tides.

Tides in Black Sea

The results of a numerical modelling and observations reveal for the semidiurnal tides the presence of an amphidromy with clockwise rotation and another one with counterclockwise rotation for the diurnal tides, both located in the central part of the sea near the Crimean Peninsula. Therefore, it can said that there are tides in the Black Sea.

Tides in Great Salt Lake

The Great Lakes shows a disparate measurement of 5–7 cms during the Spring Neap Tides. also The Great Salt Lake has measurable tides, but they are still just a few inches at most. The rest of the time, this difference may not be noticeable in water bodies less massive than the Oceans, but with the way the Earth rotates into and out of the water, hanging there in space, it’s moving beneath all water.

However, theoretically, lakes must experience tides but the tides would be so small that even in the largest lakes the effect is masked by river inflows and wind and so on, all of which cause greater differences in water height than tides presumably must, so the latter are unmeasurable.

Tides in my country reservoir

Tides occur mainly in oceans because that is basically one huge body of water that is free to move all over the earth. Lakes and rivers do not cover enough area to have their water be moved significantly by gravitational force, or in other words, to have tides.

In reservoir, the same forces are at work, but in miniature. How much tides range depends partly on the size, depth and slope of the water’s basin. On seacoasts, where the basin stretches halfway across the globe, tides range about 6 to 10 feet.

Tides in a glass of water

It can be possible to see a tidal effect in a glass of water but a very sensitive device would be required to measure the minuscule change in the water depth along the glass walls, because the differences in the strength of the gravitational field between each side of the glass are essentially zero. Because of this the force exerted on the glass is the same, but due to the small volume of water in a glass as opposed to an ocean it would be very hard to measure any change. However, the difference in the strength of the gravitational field between the side of the Earth closest to the Moon and furthest to the Moon is enough to pull water more towards the side close to the Moon.

Moreover, because the differences in the strength of the gravitational field between each side of the glass are essentially zero. However, the difference in the strength of the gravitational field between the side of the Earth closest to the Moon and furthest to the Moon is enough to pull water more towards the side close to the Moon, causing high tide for that part of the world.


Tide is an alternate rising and falling of the sea, usually twice in each lunar day at a particular place, due to the attraction of the moon and sun.

The height of tides is proportional to the cube root of the thickness of water measured on a line drawn to the centre of the body of water from the moon. Lakes tend to be quite shallow but oceans will be miles deep.