In what ways was the American political system more democratic in 1860 than it had been in 1670? Did the changes in society itself make America more democratic? Did American politics and society during two centuries become more democratic for some groups, less democratic for others? Explain.

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In 1670, there was not a country called the United States of America, but there was only a collection of British colonies which weren´t free; they were under the authority of England´s crown. In 1860, the USA was a well established independent and democratic country, despite the deep political and social divisions of the time that would lead to the Civil War. The nation had its Constitution, citizens´rights (it is true not all people could enjoy them because of slavery) and separation of powers.  There were regular elections for president and Congress. Unfortunately, the democratic progress of the USA did not benefit all on an equal basis in the 19th century and good part of the 20th century. Even after the Civil War, the passing of the 14th Amendment and other laws, real legal equality was not achieved. Southern states approved legislation that impeded the effective use of African American rights to vote. So, democratic evolution hasn´t always generated benefits to all, but there´s been significant improvement since the 1960s.
