The sort used in this is called Heap Sort. Here, the numbers are sorted in the order according to the heap used. In the case of min-heap, the root will have to lesser than the children which have to be lesser than the subsequent children. In the case of the max heap, the binary tree will be ordered from the highest (root) to lowest (children).
For the following pseudocode, we have to make following assumptions:
1. a[i] – I
2. left(i) – 2I
3. right(i) – 2I+1
4. parent(i)- I/2
Max heap pseudocode:
1. l=left(I)
2. r=right(I)
3. if l<=a.heapsize and a[l]>a[I]
a. Largest = l
4. else
a. Largest = I
5. If r<= a.heapsize and a[r]>a[I]
a. Largest = r
6. else
a. Largest = I
7. if Largest != I
a. exchange a[I] with a[Largest]
b. Max_Heap(a,Largest)
8. Stop
This is how to max heap is generated.