Choose the FALSE statement.

A. The medial hamstrings promote medial knee (leg) rotation.
B. The hamstrings cross the hip and knee joints.
C. The hamstrings are prime movers of hip (thigh) flexion and knee (leg) flexion
D. The hamstrings are fleshy muscles of the posterior thigh.

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The false statement is C. The hamstrings are prime movers of hip (thigh) flexion and knee (leg) flexion.


The hamstrings are also called ischiosural or simply, femoral. They are the powerful and voluminous musculature that is located in the back of the thigh and that performs its action mainly on the knee, flexing it and also rotating it.

The hamstrings are made up of three muscles: the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranous. In addition, the tendons are located at the back of the thigh and cross the hip and knee joints. As the hamstrings cross two joints, they have two actions, including knee flexion and hip extension, as well as hyperextension.