Suppose a modern general, like Odysseus, had fought a war for ten years and was missing for another ten years. What emotions might he (or she) have experienced upon returning home? What changes might he (or she) have found at home after twenty years?

Respuesta :

Answer:1)The emotions that I think he is most likely to experience are detachment , disorientation and disconnection.

2) family structure has changed , their way of living is no longer the same, they have moved to another place,

They might have adopted new values.


Emotional detachment occurs when a person feels emotional detached from everyone else around them and also trying to copy with anxiety by isolating oneself from particular triggering situations; given the fact that the person has been in a war they will still be memories hauntihg him which will make him feel even more detached and probably not feel what normal people feel due to terrible experience they might have been through, whilst they were away.

They may be disoriented because they have been away for long time and they are likely to find it difficult to directions around their hometown.

2) family structure may change where the person finds that most people have passed away and maybe young siblings have taken up particular roles in the absence of certain members.

The way they live might be different from what the person was used to , he or she may find that people are more technological wired than they used to be when the person was around , he or she may find that there are no longer dinner table times.