Write a program that prompts the user for an integer, then asks the user to enter that many values. Store these values in an array and print the array. Then reverse the array elements so that the first element becomes the last element, the second element becomes the second to last element, and so on, with the old last element now first. Do not just reverse the order in which they are printed; actually change the way they are stored in the array. Do not create a second array; just rearrange the elements within the array you have.

Respuesta :


//The Scanner class is imported to allow the program receive user input

import java.util.Scanner;

//The class Solution is defined

public class Solution {

   //The main method is defined here and signify the beginning of program execution

   public static void main(String args[]) {


       //Scanner object 'scan' is created to receive user input

       Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);

       //Prompt display to the user to enter size of array

       System.out.print("Enter the range of array: ");

       //User input is assigned to arraySize

       int arraySize = scan.nextInt();

       //userArray is initialized with arraySize as its size

       int[] userArray = new int[arraySize];


       //counter to count number of array element

       int count = 0;

       //while loop which continue executing till the user finish entering the array element

       while (count < arraySize){

           System.out.print("Enter each element of the array: ");

           userArray[count] = scan.nextInt();




       //A blank line is printed for clarity



       //for loop to print each element of the array on straight line

       for(int i =0; i <userArray.length; i++){

           System.out.print(userArray[i] + " ");



       //A blank line is printed for clarity



       //for loop is use to reverse the array in-place

       for(int i=0; i<userArray.length/2; i++){

           int temp = userArray[i];

           userArray[i] = userArray[userArray.length -i -1];

           userArray[userArray.length -i -1] = temp;



       //for loop to print each element of the reversed array on straight line

       for(int i =0; i <userArray.length; i++){

           System.out.print(userArray[i] + " ");






The program is commented to give detailed explanation.

The for-loop use in reversing the array works by first dividing the array into two half and exchanging the first half elements with the second half elements. The element from the first half is assigned to temp variable on each loop, then the element is replaced with the equivalent element from the second half. And the element from the second half is replaced with the value of temp.

The program is an illustration of loops .

Loops are used to perform repetitive operations

The program in C++ where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:


using namespace std;

int main(){

   //This declares the array length

   int n;

   cout<<"Length: "; cin>>n;

     //This declares the array

      int userArray [n];

//The following loop gets input for the array

      for(int i = 0; i<n;i++){



//The following loop reverses the array

      for(int i=0; i<n/2; i++){

          int temp = userArray[i];

          userArray[i] = userArray[n -i -1];

          userArray[n -i -1] = temp;


//The following loop prints the reversed array

      for(int i = 0; i<n;i++){

          cout<<userArray[i]<<" ";



At the end of the program, the arrays are reversed and printed.

Read more about similar programs at:
