create a new Java application called "CheckString" (without the quotation marks) according to the following guidelines.** Each method below, including main, should handle (catch) any Exceptions that are thrown. ** ** If an Exception is thrown and caught, print the Exception's message to the command line. **Write a complete Java method called checkWord that takes a String parameter called word, returns nothing, and is declared to throw an Exception of type Exception. In the method, check if the first character of the parameter is a letter. If it is not a letter, the method throws an Exception of type Exception with the message of: "This is not a word."Write a complete Java method called getWord that takes no parameters and returns a String. The method prompts the user for a word, and then calls the checkWord method you wrote in #1 above, passing as a parameter the word the user provided as input. Make sure the getWord method handles the Exception that may be thrown by checkWord.

Respuesta :


The Java code is given below



import java.util.Scanner;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class StringCheck{

//There are several implementation approaches. This is one example framework/outline which might be helpful. Please feel free to try other approaches.

public static void checkWord(String word) throws Exception {

// Uses charAt method to test if the first letter of string variable word

// is a character. If not, throw new exception




 throw new Exception("This is not a word");



public static String getWord() {

// Declare a local scanner

// Prompt the user to enter a word

// Think about using a loop to give the user multiple opportunities to correctly enter a string

// Read into a string

// Call checkWord method passing the string as a parameter

// checkWord can throw an exception; call checkWord in a try/catch block

// Return the string to main if a valid string

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

boolean st = true;

String word = null;


 System.out.println("Enter a Word : ");

 word =;



  st = false;

 }catch(Exception e){


  st = true;




return word;


public static void writeFile(String[] arrayToWrite, String filename) throws IOException {

// Example using FileWriter but PrintWriter could be used instead

// Create a FileWriter object

FileWriter fileWordStream = new FileWriter(filename);

// Use a loop to write string elements in arrayToWrite to fileWordStream

for(int i = 0;i<arrayToWrite.length;i++){





// In the loop use the lineSeparator method to put each string on its own line


public static ArrayList readFile(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {

// Declare local ArrayList

ArrayList<String> words = new ArrayList<>();

// Create a new File object using filename parameter

File file = new File(filename);

// Check if the file exists, if not throw a new exception


 throw new FileNotFoundException("File not Found");


// Create a new BufferedReader object      

Scanner fsc = new Scanner(file);

// use a loop and the readLine method to read each string (on its own line) from the file





// return the filled ArrayList to main

return words;


public static void main(String[] args) {

// create a string with literal values to write to the file

String[] testData = {"cat", "dog", "rabbit"};

// Create an ArrayList for reading the file

ArrayList<String> words = new ArrayList<>();

// Declare a string variable containing the file name "data.txt"

String file = "data.txt";

// Call getWord, assign the returned string to a variable and display it

String word = getWord();

System.out.println("The word is : "+word);

// Call writeFile and readFile methods in a try block



words = readFile(file);

// Printout the contents of the ArrayList after the call to readFile

for(int i = 0;i<words.size();i++){



}catch(FileNotFoundException e){


}catch(IOException e){

System.out.println("IOException: error occured in input output");


// catch two types of exceptions

