As a business owner who opens a business abroad, you can use different staffing strategies to determine how you will obtain your employees. Differentiate between the three types of staffing policies used by international companies and identify 2 advantages of each approach.

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The three staffing policies used are:

Ethnocentric, Polycentric, and Geocentric staffing


1. Ethnocentric staffing or better still ethnic based staffing in companies refers to a policy that places only employees from the company's home country in Top management positions.


1. The culture of the entire organization is kept or retained by employees from the same home country of the company.

2. Only eperienced Employees are placed at Top management positions in the business of the firm. Very useful in cases where the domestic employees have less experience.

2. The polycentric staffing policy places home country workers to Top positions in company, and foreign employees (foreign nationals) to other lesser positions.


1. Local or domestic employees offer their understanding of local market better, which increases the productivity of the company.

2. Opens job opportunities for the locals which encourages their career development.

3. The geocentric staffing policy allows any person qualified for the position, irrespective of their culture or nationality; whether foreign or domestic employees.


1. It is highly neutral (unbias) and flexible.

2. Knowledge sharing and work diversity is encouraged.