Explain how salinity and temperature affect water density and how the salinity of the oceans can be both increased and decreased.

Respuesta :


Salinity is the salt concentration in water. Oceans salinity and temperature affect density of water, Higher the salinity denser the water and Lower the temperature denser the water.


As we go down in the ocean , temperature goes down and denser the water.

Less dense water will be on top and higher the density will be on bottom. Warmer water will be on top.

Salinity increased in ocean on evaporation of sea water and formation of ice in water. Weathering of rocks , formation of soil also add minerals and salt in ocean.

Melting of snow, ice in sea, addition of river freshwater and precipitation of rain decrease the salinity of ocean.


Salinity and temperature affect water density


Salinity and temperature affect water density as the temperature increases the ocean water becomes less denser , on decreasing the temperature  the ocean water becomes more denser.We can see it as less dense water (For ex. ice ) floats on more dense water. Taking two layers of water with the same salinity, the hotter water will float on top of the colder water. Temperature has a greater effect on the density of water than the salinity.