Respuesta :
In paleomagnetism, we study the ancient magnetic field of rocks. All rocks possess some degree of magnetism which is due to the orientation of the magnetic field of the magnetic minerals within a rock. In Alaska, rocks are found to have an alignment of magnetic minerals in a way that they must have been near the equator. Their presence now at 70° north latitude suggests that they must have been traveled via plate tectonics/continental drift.
Paleomagnetism explains the history of direction and strength of Earth’s magnetic field and the past location of the tectonic plates and applies to the movement of the tectonic plate fragments.
The magnetic field in rocks, sediments and archeological materials are observed using Paleomagnetism. The geochronology tool records the change in the magnetic field in the volcanic and sedimentary rock.
The contact between the rigid lithospheric plates is examined to explain the structure of the earth's crust. The lithospheric plates generally move slowly over the underlying mantle.