"When he said 'Trevor' it was a statement of fact..."
Direct Characterization: It is literary technique used by authors in which author him/herself or any character from the story describes a character by using descriptive adjectives, epithets or phrases.
e.g. He was an old man with white beard.
Indirect Characterization: It is a technique in which author or another character of the story reveals a character indirectly by showing his/her actions or reactions to a situation or an action.
e.g. His mother always prayed for his success (it shows her mother loves him and has concerns for his success.)
In this example from "The Destructors" option 2, 3 and 4 directly describe the characters by using adjectives 2) thin, yellow, 3) Old, mean, 4) grey, disturbed. So these are examples of direct characterization.
Option 1 does not have any descriptive adjective or epithets to reveal a character. So it is an example indirect characterization.