Read the following paragraph from "First Confession."
Nora's turn came, and I heard the sound of something slamming, and then her voice as if
butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, and then another slam, and out she came. God, the
hypocrisy of women! Her eyes were lowered, her head was bowed, and her hands were
joined very low down on her stomach, and she walked up the aisle to the side altar looking
like a saint. You never saw such an exhibition of devotion; and I remembered the devilish
malice with which she had tormented me all the way from our door, and wondered were all
religious people like that really.
Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of this paragraph?
The speaker is angry with his sister for teasing him.
The speaker is surprised that his sister can act so sweetly.
The speaker is infuriated by his sister's religious pretenses.
The speaker questions the sincerity of his sister's devotion.