Elessio has a small clothing company where he and a small team of people sell custom garments. Where does Elessio most likely work?

A. retail store
B. factory
C. warehouse
D. manufacturing plant

Respuesta :


Retail store



A. retail store


Retail trade is the final activity of the distribution chain. It consists of the sale of goods and services directly to final consumers.

The companies that carry out this activity are called retailers. Retail trade includes the sale of goods and services retail. Therefore, the clientele is abundant and the products are purchased for personal use. Examples of these companies are clothing or clothing stores, food supplies and stores selling appliances, and technological items. Commercialization of capital goods is excluded from retail trade.

This type of trade constitutes the end of the chain of distribution of goods and services. It is the link between wholesalers and consumers or end users. Wholesale trade is the previous link in the distribution chain and its activity consists of buying and selling products in large quantities. Sometimes they sell at a discount to other organizations for commercial purposes.