A recent study concluded that about 90% of all large predatory fish such as tuna have disappeared from the world’s oceans in the past 50 years. Which of these is most likely the direct cause of this loss?

Respuesta :


New predatory animals .


A valid reason on why a "predatory" animal would disappear or decrease in great numbers is new animals being involved such as animals eating those "predatory" animals or them eating the food source of the original animal . Humans are also a factor but i'm pretty sure they are not hunting them ! I hope this helped


non predatory animals

A  reason on why a predatory"animal would disappear or decrease in great numbers is new animals being involved such as animals eating thosepredator animals or them eating the food source of the original animal . Humans are also a factor but i'm pretty sure they are not hunting them. Humans use them eat them bad things throw stuff on the lake and it illls them it sad
