Respuesta :
You should change your workout between 4-6 weeks because a workout works with your muscles to losen them once you have gotten your results in about 4-6 weeks you’ll be doing the same workout for nothing you can change your workout by doing things for your core or legs or by doing different workouts for the part of your body your working out.
It is necessary to change your workout every 4-6 weeks to prevent the body
from adapting to such exercises and elimination of boredom.
Workouts helps to develop certain parts of the muscles of the body
depending on the type of exercise chosen. Workout helps to increase
muscle build up and needs to be frequently changed to prevent muscles
from getting used to only form of exercise.
It should also be changed to ensure that the workout is fun and to make the
individual stay more dedicated and committed to the routine.
Read more about Workout here