Quick fix Balance Sheet as at December,31 $
Authorised shares
98,000 common stock@$10 980,000
59,000 preferred stock of 8% @$50 per stock $2,950,000
Issued stock.
78,000 common stock. 780,000
20,000 preferred stock 1,000,000
Share premium, common stock 780,000
Share premium preferred stock 600,000
Less share discount on repurchase d share (40,000)
Net income 210,000
Less dividend (50,000)
Total. 3,280,000
The authorised share capital is showing as stated in the charter. When the issued share is sold above the authorised value it's recorded as share premium to be added to the values of the share issued and when it's sold below the authorised value it's recognized as a discount to be deducted from the issued share value. The repurchase of own share is not added to the share issued but cognizance and recording is giving to premium or discount on repurchase or resell .
The dividend declared and payed is deducted from the net income to arrive at retained earnings.