"Hey, pal, you are really overgeneralizing. Just because Gina said no doesn't mean that all girls will!"
Abnormal psychology is that branch of psychology which studies the unusual patterns of behaviors, thoughts and emotions, which may be different from the normal and may sometimes or may not be understood as causing a mental disorder in a person.
In psychology, cognitive approach is an approach to study human behaviour which focuses on how a person thinks. It is generally assumes that the thought processes influences the way we behave.
In the context, Maurice said Johnny about the way he feels himself to be a loser because Gina did not accepted his proposal. To this, Johnny answered using his cognitive perspective that Maurice is overgeneralizing the matter that Gina did not accepted him as date and refused his proposal. One girl denying Maurice does not mean that he is actually a loser and that no other girl will accept his proposal.