Et modo blanditias adhibet, modo grata puellis munera fert illi conchas teretesque lapillos et parvas volucres et flores mille colorum liliaque pictasque pilas et ab arbore lapsas Heliadum lacrimas; ornat quoque vestibus artus, dat digitis gemmas, dat longa monilia collo: aure leves bacae, redimicula pectore pendent.

Respuesta :


And now he offers flatteries, and the sort of gifts a girl would seashells, pebbles, little birds and flowers of a thousand colors, polished and tinted, colored balls, and the tree of the tears of the Heliades; in finery, dresses the body, gave its fingers rings, he gave a long neck with strings of jewels: its ears, from very old, hung on its breast.