The Zulu War, the Sepoy Rebellion, and the Boxer Rebellion were all conflicts that were caused MOST directly by
A) Communism.
B) Imperialism.
C) World War I.
D) Enlightenment.

Respuesta :

B) Imperialism.


  • Boxer Rebellion is considered a rebellion that caused large-scale conflicts among the Chinese people in 1900.
  • The rebels were Han Chinese who aimed to expel all Europeans, Japanese, and other foreigners who came to China, who were referred to by the Chinese as "foreign devils".
  • Also, this uprising aimed to restore the previous Ming Dynasty and oust the Manchurians from power, as well as restore Hong Kong. Although the Manchu who lived in China, both emperors and ordinary citizens carried Chinese names and spoke Chinese, and individuals were even greater Chinese than the Chinese themselves.
  • The Zulu War was a war between the Native Africans against the imperialism of Britain.
  • After several minor riots on May 10, 1857, a mass uprising - The Sepoy Rebellion  broke out, spreading to northern Indian provinces and central India in just three weeks. The British remained stunned. They did not have an army of their own in India as their rule was based on the support of indigenous troops. It took them time to withdraw their troops from Iran and China and send them to India. In the meantime, they were joined by many feudal rulers and warring nations such as the Sikhs.
  • The insurgents brutally killed a large number of whites in their actions, but the retaliation was even more terrible. In the victorious campaign, the British burned villages and plundered rich cities, massacred uprisings, and killed some with cannons to tie them to pipes. After the collapse of the uprising, India became a crown colony, and Queen Victoria of England added an imperial title to her crown.

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