facilities have separate apartments for each person, but residents are provided with meals in a common dining area, housekeeping services, transportation for shopping and medical appointments, and social activities, and most residents are semi-independent without dementia or serious health problems.

Respuesta :

Answer ;  assisted living

This a segment of continuum of care., designed as a long-term    care services for providing personal care services, social assistance , and housing for individuals with assistance to carry out  activities of daily life.

Assisted living ensured maximum care in an independent  condition with each person allocated to  personal rooms and requested  for desired needs.

Completed Que,

What type of living facility for older adults has separate

apartments for each person, but residents are provided meals in a common dining area, are offered housekeeping services, transportation for shopping and medical appointments, and access to social activities, but also offers extensive medical care and most residents are afflicted with dementia or other serious health problems?          

a)assisted living

b)nursing homes

c)geriatric hospitals

