Arshie is trying to train his dog to do a trick. First, he gives his dog a treat for paying attention. Next, he gives his dog a treat for beginning the trick. Each time the dog gets closer to performing the trick, Arshie gives him a treat. Rewarding successive approximations toward behavior is known as:

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In psychology, shaping a behavior is the process to establish a behavior which is not learned or performed, or the procedure to reinforce a behavior which is nearer to the intended behavior. it was B. F. Skinner who first developed and used this concept as learning behavior.

This learning concept is aimed to reinforce behavior which is successively closer and closer to the approximations of the desired, or targeted, behavior. In case of Arshei's teaching new tricks to his dog is aimed shaping its behavior. By this process, he is trying to train his dog via successive approximations  so that the dog could achieve desired or ultimate behavior.