The XYZ Corporation has been advised by a State Pollution Control Authority that it has 60 days to apply for a permit to discharge manufacturing wastes into a receiving body of water. XYZ is also advised of the minimum standard for water quality in the receiving body that must be met. In an effort to convince the authority that the receiving body of water after receiving the manufacturing wastes will still meet established environmental standards, the corporation employs Engineer Doe to perform consulting engineering services and submit a detailed report. After completion of his studies but before completion of any written report, Doc concludes that the discharge from the plant will lower the quality of the receiving body of water below established standards. He further concludes that corrective action will be very costly. Doc verbally advises the XYZ Corporation of his findings. Subsequently, the corporation terminates the contract with Doe with full payment for services performed, and instructs Doe not to render a written report to the corporation. Thereafter. Doe learns that the authority has called a public hearing and that the XYZ Corporation has presented data to support its view that the present discharge meets minimum. Doc have an ethical obligation to report his findings to the authority upon learning of the ring? Explain your reasoning.

Respuesta :


Moral ethical obligation


He is morally obliged to report the findings to the authorities in order to protect the community from any impending hazard caused by the discharge into the water body.

Under ethics after any future investigation is carried out and he was found out to have carried out analysis, he might be penalized for conspiracy to conspire even if he states categorically that his contract was terminated by xyz for proofing otherwise. This might lead to serious consequences for him.