The nurse is seeing a client for follow up after chemotherapy in the outpatient clinic. The client states, "Over the last week, I’ve been losing handfuls of my hair in the shower. I don’t want to shave my head but I don’t want people to stare at me either." Based on the client’s statement, what should the nurse include in the client’s care plan?

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Cancer is a general term used to describe a disturbance of cellular growth which can arise from any body tissue, with manifestations that result from failure to control the proliferation and maturation of cells.

Cancer Care Plan template helps to  map out your care from before treatment begins through when it ends. This plan involves three parts: Treatment Care Plan, Treatment Summary and Follow-up Survivor Care Plan. The Cancer survivors need to be monitored for the rest of their lives and have different health care needs than before they were diagnosed.  The Follow-Up Survivorship Care Plan helps to ensure that all of the members of health care team know what follow-up is needed, when it is needed, and who you should see for that care.

Nurses have a huge set of responsibilities for handling a patient with cancer which includes assessment, support for therapies (e.g., chemotherapy, radiation, etc.), pain control, promoting nutrition, and emotional support.  The client who over the last week have been losing handfuls of her hair in the shower and does not want to shave it and does not want people to stare at her either needs these to be included in her care plan by the nurse:

  • Acknowledge difficulties patient may be experiencing.  
  • Give information that counseling is often necessary and important in the adaptation process.
  • Evaluate support structures available to and used by patient which includes the use of hairpiece, wigs or some other type of headwear. Free wigs are available are available to patients suffering from hair loss due to cancer treatments.
  • Provide emotional support for patient  during diagnostic tests and treatment phase.