Around the world, various brands of personal computers are sold with Pentium processors. This fact is often used as a selling point, with advertising that proclaims "Intel Inside." Which branding concept does such advertising reflect?A. Brand ImageB. Brand EquityC. Co-BrandingD. Tiered BrandingE. Brand Extension

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C. Co-Branding


Co-branding is a marketing strategy or a strategic alliance where there are multiple brand names jointly used on a product or a service. It involves the synergy of the unique strengths and selling-points of many brands to create a single but attractive product.

Co-branding is also known as brand partnership and it involves at least two companies collaborating on a product. Although, it can be more than two companies. It makes use of brand tools such as identifiers, unique colour schemes and logos to put the identity of various co-operating brands on a product.

Therefore, the partnership between HP or Dell for instance, that shows "intel inside", "Windows 10" and "Nvidia G-Force" is basically a strategic alliance amongst at least 4 brands (Dell or HP- the maker of the machine's body, Intel- the Central Processing Unit, Microsoft-the operating system and Nvidia- the Graphics Processing Unit) to create a good product that appeals to customers globally.

Co-branding is not unique to computer products only. It can be used by many businessess including car makers, retailers, manufacturers to incrase their profitability, save cost, increase market share and customer loyalty among many other benefits.