Answer: Scientific revolution is a result of the spirit/psychology of renaissance but in contrast to renaissance scientific revolution took place almost exclusively in the northern Europe. Before scientific revolution European society and culture is still full of religious symbolism and faith in God but all that mixtured with spirit of renaissance (some very inventive spirits helped to revolutionize the world).
Explanation: In a renaissance there are still no scientific institutions, there is no unified paradigm. Renaissance is very creative period because there are many paradigms coexisting in a very small space. There is a great impact of Judaism and Arabian philosophy. Marsilio Ficino and Pico della Mirandola have big interest in Egypt and Hermes Trismegistos, there are new translations of some Plato´s dialogues etc etc. There is a lot of spirit in the air and not everything takes form (doctrine, dogma). Scientific revolutions is a movement in direction to institutionalized science and definition of science (Enlightenment).